Buyable Cloning Machine
Hello everyone, I made this mod for who are bored of typing CTRL+SHIFT+C (COMMAND on Mac) “bb.showhiddenobjects” to find the Cloning Machine from GTW, so I made simply buyable for all in the section Hobbies, Knowledge. It will cost 900 simoleons which is the original cost from debug, nothing changed, nothing added (apart from a little correction of swatch #2 which is Green and not Grey, Maxis are colorblind!).
In the screenshots I used “Stacks of Cash” by plasticbox, found here.
Also I used “C.I.I.Y.P: A Little Cloning Machine Overhaul Mod” by Nym_le_Manchot, found here.
Update (29/11/2023): To expand money limit use this updated mod by Havem.
(It expand money limit only, not the household funds! Sorry for that.)
You have to own the Expansion Pack, Get to Work, for this mod to work properly!
The new mods are divided by: Original Price, Nulled Price, Duplicated Price and Reduced Price.
– Duplicated Price, 28800 Simoleons
– Duplicated Price, 14400 Simoleons
– Duplicated Price, 7200 Simoleons
– Duplicated Price, 3600 Simoleons
– Duplicated Price, 1800 Simoleons
– Original Price, 900 Simoleons
– Nulled Price, 0 Simoleons
– Reduced Price, 450 Simoleons
– Reduced Price, 225 Simoleons
– Reduced Price, 115 Simoleons
– Reduced Price, 55 Simoleons
– Reduced Price, 25 Simoleons
(Updated, 04/01/2024) for EU (I’m Italian, sorry for that! lol) / (Updated, 01/04/2024) for USA
Next Updates, coming soon:
– The ability to Clone Sim
– The possibility that by inserting the object into the household, it pays you (difficult one!)
– Some experimental features that I reveal next!
Packages re-built (PC / Windows 11) with game version 1.103.315.1020 . –> macOS users (mac / 1.103.315.1220)
Still compatible with version >> 1.103.315.1020 . –> macOS users (mac / 1.103.315.1220)
Packages rebuilded and correctly updated, finally! Yay!!
Outdated mods still compatible for all The Sims 4 versions but i suggest to update to most recent update!
Polygon Counts: